
Sports Injuries

5 Ways Acupuncture Can Fix Your Health Problems

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If you’re struggling with one of the following ailments, you might consider going under the needle

Friday, April 10, 2015, 11:36 am
For weeks, Nathan Suver had a serious pain in the neck. It was a recurring problem, related to a back injury, and nothing made it go away. Until, that is, his doctor jabbed him with pins. “He did it as part of a routine visit,” recalls Suver, a 35-year-old software developer from Southington, Connecticut. “He has acupuncture training. He just said, ‘This will help with the pain,’ and stuck 10 little needles in me. He first put one in my neck, and then one in my wrist. It felt like lightning shooting through my body from my neck to my wrist. But it was actually only slightly uncomfortable.”READ MORE at Men’s Health